Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend!

We have been having a great time at Grambo and Poppies house this weekend. We have spent a lot of time with my nieces and nephew, and Jaden has really been enjoying them. Yesterday I thought it was like 11am, but it was only 8:30 - we did so much beginning at 6:30am. Lucas and Jaden have really been enjoying each other. Gramdma got a pool with a little slide, and the boys were so excited to play, I went inside for about a minute to get swim trunks and come back out and they are already in the pool in their diapers. What a fun time. So when Jaden was napping I got Bryson in to splash around a bit. He enjoyed himself a lot too. Tomorrow we are going to a service at the cemetary and then to a lunch at Grandma Flicks with the family. Should be a fun time. Happy Memorial Day everyone!

Bryson 6 Months!

Bryson loves to sit up and roll to his tummy these days. He LOVES food so much and chows it down. I wonder if he even has taste buds because he never winces when he tries something new. Yesterday it was bananas he tried, and like most kids loved them. Jaden loves to play with Bryson, actually he likes to smother him. Jaden thinks Bryson is so funny, and vice versa. I hope they always get along this well.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Bryson has been enjoying his sweet potatoes. We are doing avocado tomorrow...yummy! :) I am excited to make guacamole with the extra!

I just had to take a picture of Jaden next to my Gerbera Daisies. I ask for them every year for mother's day. They are my favorite, and were our wedding flower. Well this mother's day, Jason had to go to 6 different places to find them (for some reason, the day before mother's day, every place was sold out....hummmm) Well he brought these home and they are so beautiful. and even more beautiful with a cute little boy sitting next to them. :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Well Bryson is almost 6 months old and I decided it is time to introduce some yummy rice cereal. Well Bryson thought it was the best thing in the world... he laughed and smiled the whole time and ate the whole tablespoon of cereal. Well the stinky part (no pun intended) is that he got a bad rash on his bottom the next day, so he had a reaction to the cereal, so I have to hold off on that for awhile. So I tried sweet potatoes last night, and he didn't like that as much, but still was a trooper. We will see how he holds up to this. We had to then take a bath afterwards to clean up! :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

I am so lucky to be the mother of two wonderful boys! I am also very lucky to have such a wonderful mom myself and mother-in law and wonderful grandmas... all who are just great! I love you ladies!
We spend mothers' day in Garrison with Jason's family. Jaden has so much fun at the farm. We had a ride in the dump truck and the skid loader, and got to play with his cousins. He and Lucas are getting to the age where they can actually play together and enjoy each other's company.
I tried to get a picture of me with both boys, but it was impossible, so here is me enjoying them.

Bryson has been rolling like crazy lately. We put him on his back and seconds later he is on him tummy. But he can't roll from tummy to back yet, so then after a while he gets mad and want to be on back again. I am sure it will be soon before he can roll both ways. We also have gotten out the convertible carseats to transition Bryson into, I am sure he has grown out of his infant seat - it is so heavy with him in it, impossible to carry. :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Pamela and Brandon's Wedding

We went to MN this weekend for my little sister, Pamela's, wedding. It was a beautiful and fun weekend. Jaden had a ball dancing and seeing so many family members, and Bryson was a real trooper (most of the time). Here are some fun pics.

The rehearsal dinner... we left the boys with my aunts and had a good time relaxing.

Jason and me, all dressed up!

Jaden and Auntie Renee

Looking good boys!

The lovely Hamann's!