Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Santa Came...

Bryson asked Santa for "suckers" but Jason thought that he really meant a pedal tractor with loader and trailer.  So Santa brought the tractor and a big bag of suckers.  He came down stairs and he went right over to the tractor and sat on it instantly.  He really likes it and he will use it A LOT this summer.

 Jaden got a new big boy bike, as you can see it is bright green and he LOVES it so much.  He also wanted a dress up tie, he loves that too.  Since we have been spoiled in the nice weather the boys and I went outside yesterday and they were able to ride their new tractor and bike.  We didn't last too long because of the wind, but it is nice to get out for awhile, since there isn't any snow.

After our little family Christmas on Friday morning we headed over to Garrison to spend the Christmas weekend with Jason's family.  We had Xmas with his sister, Jessica, and her family, his brother, Billy and his girlfriend, and Mike and Marlene.  It is always a fun time.  This is my boys and all their cousins.  L-R: Kristin(13), Bryson(2), Logan(17), Lucas(5), Kaitlyn(11) and Jaden(4).

Then Saturday evening we went to church with Jason's dad's side of the family.  We went to church with Grandma and Grandpa Flick (Flickinger) with most of that side of the family.  You can tell that being late is a Grimm thing, b/c we were a few minutes late for the service and 3 other families of Jason's cousins were right behind us :).  At least we weren't alone.  Then we went to Grandma Flick's for a delicious dinner (as always) and present opening.  There were many kids there, so my boys had such a good time running around and playing with all of Grandma's antique toys.  

We are off to Minnesota for more Christmas' this weekend.  Can't wait. 

Hope you all had a merry and healthy Christmas.  

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Getting Ready for the Season

The kids are pumped for Christmas - aren't we all? We have made cookies and treats, we decorated the tree, we have wrapped presents, and even cleaned our house. 

What the kids have been doing:

Bryson has been talking so much lately, it is so fun to hear what he comes up with next - it is really entertaining when he says, "snowman" because it sounds just like, "oh man!" He also likes to watch the "Ginch" not Grinch.  He loves "lights" (Christmas lights) all over town and at our house.  He LOVES candy, cookies and suckers.  But even more he LOVES yogurt raisins.  It took us forever to understand he was saying "raisins", but we hear it so much now, we know right away. He also loves cheese sticks, and applesauce.  He is great at going to bed, he says good night to everyone and everything then walks upstairs.  He still loves his "lala" or "la-ly" which is his nickname for the nickname for blankie and shoves it in his mouth and puts it over his head when he is sleeping, which makes mom nervous.  

 Jaden  is still loving preschool - I was able to go to school with him last Friday to help the class make gingerbread houses.  The kids in his class are great, and his teachers are great as well.  He is excited for his pajama party tomorrow in school. He is so lucky. Jaden has been obsessed with computer games lately.  All he wants to do is play on my computer or on anyone's phone he can find.  He is also a little sweet tooth, but if it is not candy/cookies - he LOVES tacos.  Last night he ate 2 1/2 tacos.  Both

This is the boys enjoying each other watching a movie.  They really do get along and love each other!