Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Exersaucer, outside and ABC's

Bryson LOVES his exersauser, he can stand in it forever and it keeps him happy.  I will bring him into the kitchen with me when I am making supper.  I had to take this picture of Bryson in his exersaucer after Jaden shared all of his things with him.  I found Bryson with Jaden's tractors, blankie, and teddy.   What a good big brother.  

We have also really been enjoying the nice weather outside.  Jaden loves playing outside, and Bryson falls asleep in the stroller really easily.  So B sleeps and J and I play.  :)

This is a video of Jaden counting and saying his ABC's.  Our daycare provider, Cindy, does an excellent of teaching Jaden these things.  He loves to sing this lately.  enjoy!

1 comment:

The Annis Family said...

So cute! You have some handsome boys Heidi!