Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Hello everyone!  My mom has been slacking and hasn't added a new picture for awhile, but we've been really busy.  Last Monday I started day care at Cindy's house.  It is really fun and I have a friend there that is almost my same age.  Mommy started school yesterday and volleyball.  She is teaching part time reading and part time middle school Spanish in the Colo - NESCO district, and coaching freshman volleyball here in Nevada.  I do miss her a lot when she is gone so much.  Daddy is working a lot at both the office and grandma and poppy's farm.  I got to go with him to Grandbo and Poppy's on Saturday and I had so much fun!  Then on Sunday mommy and daddy took me to the pool, it was so fun.  and I got to watch them play softball and I was a really good boy.  I will continue to talk mommy into adding some new pics.  Love, Jaden

1 comment:

Julie said...

I know it how goes Jaden....life all of a sudden got busy! No more staying in my pj's until 10:00 am! RATS! Love, Mallory

PS Tell your mom good luck with the teaching!