Sunday, July 1, 2012


The last few years I have really gotten into jogging, I have 3 runs planned for this summer and the first one was yesterday.  The Warrior Dash - 3.1 miles of mud, hills, obstacles, mud, water, hills, hills and more hills, oh and heat and sun.  I know it doesn't sound too fun, but we had a blast.  I had a great group of friends to join me (or maybe I joined them).  Check out the warrior dash website for pics of the obstacles.  Notice how cute we are before hand and how muddy we are afterwards.  The last obstacle was swimming through a huge mud pit with a blast of mud water being sprayed in our faces, we weren't too muddy before that.  Can't wait for next year.  In 2 weeks I will run a 5K in Ames, Midnight Madness and in 4 weeks I have signed up for the Bix 7, a 7 mile run in Davenport.  Can't wait.  

Yes - still smiling! 

 At the finish line...

After our "showers" - which was a huge machine (like a snow making machine) blowing water out over about 100 people, it burned and was so cold, but we just wanted less mud caked on us.  

Here Fishy Fishy

Jason, and Poppy and Grambo were able to make some time this last week to take the boys and me fishing.  The boys each caught a fish within a few minutes and then they got bored.  But they really enjoyed the snacks and chocolate milk. Thanks Daddy, Poppy and Grambo for taking the time to take us.  

Potty Training

This last Monday I decided it was time to potty train Bryson.  He has been doing a great job and loves getting M&M's after going potty in the potty.  I am very proud of him.  

 Of course Big brother has to help be silly to keep things exciting! What silly willies. :)